Chapter 8; Ally or Adversery
agryle stared supernatantly into the vast and multifarious layers of the onion. The onion showd them a multitude of thiungs such as "its me boy im the ps5 // talking to you inside your brain // listen to me boy // leave the girl we dont need her // come with me and play my games // we'll have cowboy times in space // do do do do yeah // you need me boy your free will is an illusion" and image of crab

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also inside the onion antionette was also there. Arglye began to formulate a question in their mind using all of their power; what will mr gru from dispicable me become if you put him in the giant glass onion. but more importantly: WHAT WILL MR GRU FROM DESPICABLE ME BECOME IF YOU PUT HIM IN THE GIANT GLASS ONION??? ANTOINETTE WRITHED IN INTELLECTUAL CURIOSITY, having used their telekenisis to interpret the question. They answered "he will become the most humble of the most of all the guyes but also he will be minouns-less" Argyle was communicable and began to hover toweards the onion, aprehensively. suddenly the onion begam to oscialte (oscillate). Antionette began to bounce arround the inside of the onion and their limbs began to streatch like they were glitching in a video game like when a character is caught in a wall. then all of a sudden the bat man swooped into the room and crashed into the giant glass onion and released the antionette from their glass vegetalbe themed prison which was also a metaphor about reading too deeply into something seemingly complex whic

h is actually transparent and plAINLY visible. Antoinette tumbled forwards towards the argyle and then used their built-in parachute to gently float down and land delacately on argyles nose. but then argyle sneezed and antoinette had to back flip onto the ground.

Bat Man.

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